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Valentine's Lunch

Hi Party Friends!
Valentine's Day is fastly approaching! This holiday is always a tough one for me to get into because we celebrate two birthdays in our house two days before Valentine's, Jasper's (my son's) and my husbands. So when Laura, my Insta-friend, now turned real life friend (last summer we discovered we live only a street away from each other!) reached out to collab on a Valentine's lunch for her littles, I was excited to join in.
Laura is one of those super sweet people that will do anything to help others, and today she's put together a blog so I can share all the details from her adorable  Valentine's lunch with you. I hope it gives you some inspiration for this upcoming holiday! 
Valentine's Lunch Party
Hi there! My name is Laura and I share the day to day of my girls over on Instagram @dunfordgirls. We are adventurers, holiday lovers and a big fan of ‘A Little Confetti.’ When we moved back to Calgary a year ago I was so sad to leave the market of cute party supplies in the USA but found instant relief to find a local shop that could meet all my party needs. 
Valentine's Party Lunch
Over the last few years raising three tiny girls I’ve realized how fast time goes and that they won’t be home forever. It’s so important to soak up the holidays and make the most of every day together. That’s why I decided to create this Valentine’s lunch just for my girls; a way to be creative on a holiday level but also spend time just the four of us. 
Valentine's Day Lunch
The heartbeat gang Daydream Society party collection is all the rage this year. It is the perfect combination of hearts with a modern vibe. The girls thought the matching tattoos were amazing and they’ve been showing their muscles off ever since we put them on ;) With the combination of some balloons we had blown up for another project a week before, putting together this lunch was quick and easy thanks to ‘A Little Confetti’ having everything we needed. 
For a quick meal idea we stuck with heart shaped sandwiches, heart shaped cucumbers and watermelon cubes. All our heart shaped cutters were bought on amazon. I also turned to Pinterest to create a fun charcuterie. I found as many pink and red items my girls liked (pocky, marshmallows, strawberries, chocolates) and added some brie as a treat for myself. We snagged our round cutting board from the dollar store and it came together perfectly. 
Valentine's Charcuterie
Valentine's Heart Beat Gang Cookies
As for the biggest hit, the sugar cookies inspired by Daydream Society were surely the winner. I’m telling you, those hearts had me swooning. I’m not sure how they will ever top that design. I loved making them and seeing the girls pick their favorite face. When Sophia said “Mom this is beautiful” every last effort felt worth it. Truly the moments you live for as a Mom!
Valentine's Party Cookies
I hope this offers some inspiration for anyone looking to jazz up your holidays a little more. I was so inspired by this collection and loved making a seemingly simple holiday feel extra special. If there is one thing I want my girls to take when they leave home, it is the memories we make together and times like these are among my favorites. Thanks for stopping by. Xoxo - Laura 
Valentine's Sister Lunch
I want to give a big thank-you to Laura for sharing her cute Valentine's lunch with us!! Follow Laura and her sweet girls over on instagram @dunfordgirls for more party inspo. 
Happy Valentine's!
Valetine's Day Party

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